I see Paolo Santos everyday on the boob tube. I hear his latest single being played over the radio. I read the latest updates about his life in the broadsheets. I see his face in large digital formats fit for billboards and banners along expressways. A multi-awarded artist, he has gained tremendous success on practically every front, from concerts to television to the live performance circuit. He is a big star, while I was just one of his devoted fans!
Watching him perform live on stage for the first time, my admiration dissolves into the noisy crowd. A mass hysteria of fans over some singing sensation from the local entertainment industry makes me realize how pathetically exhausting my life as a fan can be. I am there but he barely even know I exist. Fact of the matter is, because of avid supporters, his singles always make it to the top music charts—all that really matters.
Sigh, it is easy for humans to feel big and important. But that performer and I are of equal stature (see picture, can't you tell who's the star? LOL). I may not be a famous celebrity or a member of the society’s movers and shakers like him. Yet at the end of each day, he has his own human struggles to face like I do.
So very true, I think you summed it up well.
I feel appalled that people are looking for the next celebrity to worship. They cry, they scream some become groupies just so they can get close to someone who has mastered 2 or 3 talents. I shake my head in disgust until I remember the Michael Jackson concert I went to when I was 14-years-old. I liked MJ back then but thought it was ridiculous that someone would ever pass out at the sight of a mere human being. And then he came on stage; I was in the nose bleed sections crying and screaming with my heart racing.
Okay, so I'm far from perfect, I'll admit it but still I agree with you.
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